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July 6th 2020
Agile Methodology

Agile: Key to efficient software development

Make your software development team now remote and dependent on communication tools to be productive can work by the following agile principles to...

August 24th 2020
Agile Methodology

Why Businesses Need To Be Agile

The fast pace of change in the digital world is driving the need for businesses to become agile and adapt to rapid change in the marketplace. You c...

September 14th 2020
Agile Methodology

The agile software development emphasizes on four core values.

Individual and team interactions over processes and toolsWorking software over comprehensive documentationCustomer collab...

September 22nd 2020
Agile Methodology

6 Aspects for Successful Agile Implementation

Following needs to be in place for successful agile project executionFocus on Flow EfficiencyMana...

September 30th 2020
Agile Methodology

Agile Planning Processes and Methods

Agile planning activities for large scale development efforts can be broken down into five levelsProduct V...

October 8th 2020
Agile Methodology

Agile principles that apply to every business

The methodology has applications and makes a positive impact anywhere it's applied in your businessWelcome...