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March 18th 2020

What are the Effective Ways of Cost-savings for Businesses?

All businesses are on a search for more effective ways to manage their IT environments and keep pace with changing technology. Infrastructure as a...

March 18th 2020

Splinter 0.9.0, the popular web app testing tool, released!

Splinter, the open source tool for testing web applications using Python has now leveled up to Splinter 0.9.0. Browser actions such as visiting URL...

March 18th 2020

Django 3 taps Python async to speed web apps

Django 3.0, the newest version of the Python framework that allows fast creation of database-backed websites and web services, now support...

March 18th 2020

Why infrastructure as a service (IaaS) may be the answer for your business?

Since so many companies are benefiting from using IaaS services, the demand for it has only gotten higher. It is something that companies should lo...

October 27th 2020

What is the value of digital transformation?

Improved efficiencyBetter customer experienceInformed decision makingBoost profitabilityImproved market...